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Relaunching of My Blog

By James E Corbin II

Hello everyone, I am relaunching my site to pick up where I left off but with more focus toward self-determination, self-healing, and self- awareness. If you noticed, the concept of ‘self” is a recurring theme with my blog. The reason being I believe that most change usually begins with the inner self, then works its way outward. Therefore, I choose to center the majority of my post concerning self as the focal point, naturally leading to empowerment. The concept is to move toward the healthiest and most determined position for the reader. Most bad decision-making stems from either lack of knowledge or a lack of concern. The goal is to empower the reader through education about a subject or topic to help with better decision making soon.  

The types of articles I wish to produce, promote, and disseminate will be thoroughly researched, dissected and fully analyzed to the best of my effort before publishing. I plan to make the articles succinct and not too wordy or overuse the use of sesquipedalian (very long or multisyllabic) words. My goal is to try and educate my readers at a base level, and the audience fully engaged. I hope to inspire my readers to find out more information for their selves. Self-education is more productive and bears more fruit in the end. I aim to place the on the right track to do a more in-depth analysis of a topic.  I hope to instill a consistent learning pattern for my readers. 

I have three areas of general focus for my blog, individual self-improvement, family unit improvements, and community development engagement. I feel these three areas of focus are important for an individual’s comprehensive development. Self-improvement can include all aspects involving individual development like mental, physical, or spiritual. Family-focused improvement articles can include relationship building, family-centered care improvements, practice models, and much more. Community enhancements, can range from locating resources within the community, participation within groups of likeminded individuals, or starting a grassroots movement to change any unwanted policy.

Again, the idea behind is to empower, enlighten, and reenergize the reader to live up to his or her full potential and not let them allow their shortcomings to be what defines them. I am a prime example of not allowing paraplegia to determine my capabilities. Only I can do that if I choose to, and even then, it’s on a case by case basis. Thank you, and I look forward to some interesting engagements.

Lack of Job Opportunities for the Disabled!

On the week of February 19, 2015 I took the liberty to attend the Dallas Abilities Job Expo, at the Hyatt Regencies suites. The event was advertised as a huge gathering of more than 100 employers looking to meet qualified job candidates who had a disability, as well as the opportunity to network with other people who shared similar experiences within the Dallas, TX, area. Once I arrived at the event I made my way through the corridor after signing in. I expected to see a complementary amount of companies looking to participate in the event as advertised but found less otherwise. I did not find any companies within the non-for profit sector there at the time, which is my particular field of study and interest. Also, I did not see many individuals using assistive-technology like a walker or wheel-chair other than myself during my brief visit. Although the job scene at the expo looked bleak with very few employer participants I decided to stay and make rounds to see  what other employment opportunities were being offered at the time and by which companies. This took just about a solid half-hour and that was mostly from me talking extensively to the company’s representatives who gave excellent job leads pertaining to the positions which they were hiring for at the time of the expo.

I applaud the efforts of the event coordinator and companies who participated in the Dallas ability Job Expo, it was very well organized and crafted to present a welcoming atmosphere especially for individuals such as myself who use a wheelchair or walker. My only regret is that more companies would have partake in such events and help to open up more opportunity for the disabled. Being considered handicapped does not mean we do  not have anything to offer towards a company’s growth and development. Sadly to say this lack of participation on the part of companies seem to be a reoccurring theme at a lot of these type of job expos for the disabled.  I’m not sure who or what is the blame in terms of prejudice or discrimination on the part of company’s officers or human resource department but I am sure that bringing more awareness to the situation is the key to changing the lack of employment opportunities for people with disabilities.


-James C.


Hello world!

cooltext116107039293639 copyI started  this blog to help people understand some of the challenges that come with  having a disability. I feel that sharing these challenges may help someone with or without a disability  able to face or  understand obstacles within their own lives. We all possess shortcomings or some sort of disability, it’s just that some of our frailties are more or less visible than others. Mine you can see upon first impression, but I don’t allow it to define me nor hold me back when it comes to doing what’s necessary. I hope you find it helpful and please feel free to comment or ask any questions. I don’t shy from controversial issues. Also prior to my incident I come from a public school background where I had to developed a thick skin to counter ridicule and teasing((thank you bullies, lol). Plus I don’t take offense to curiosity, but welcome the inquisitive mind that seeks answers as myself.

-James C.