Category Archives: Health

It Takes A Village: Using The Wraparound Care Model

BY: James E Corbin II

Photo by; Zack Vessel

Early November 2019, I had the opportunity of attending an interesting seminar/ training on the U of I campus involving wraparound -care teams, for which help/assistance maintains a consistent care model for individuals who may need it. This type of care system ensures care remains constant during a challenging moment that the individual may routinely experience as a result of their physical or mental challenges.

As an individual who is physical challenged, I can understand the need to have a system such as a wraparound -care system like this in place. I experienced this need to have a handful of helpful individuals around me when I was living in locations too far for immediate family members to reach if necessary. The concept is based on being a contributor to a needs a “circle” and not just looking for what a person can receive.  The goal for a good wrap-around care system consisting of a relationship steep in reciprocity, not dependency.  Here allow me to explain why I found this care method to be beneficial.

Since 2014, I have lived in locations that were far away from immediate family and friends. In short, I was pretty much on my own, believe me, it was not something I planned, but it just turned out that way.  Therefore, I had to improvise and develop alternative care assistants who could help in my wellbeing. So, I always kept a keen eye open for positive well-rounded individuals of like mind and cautiously introduced myself.  What I did next was sought out official care givers like doctors, nurses, and CNA and asked them to recommend any support groups or organizations that share similar challenges as myself.

Usually, professional care givers can recommend a few groups or name someone who may know someone with similar issues, and I follow the leads. Also, I used technology like social media (Facebook, Tweeter) and apps like Meetups to connect with other likeminded individuals. Once connected to amicable individuals who share like interest, I attempt to establish a somewhat reciprocal relationship. Usually, this involves making myself available for social outings and more.

 Trust takes some time to build, and it has to be established on both sides as well.  Therefore, the more casual contact I had; the more trust could be established. Soon I would work my way to work out a sort of “quid pro quo” situation and offer my services like occasional running some errands as my way giving back. Connecting with others in the community helped me mange through difficult challenges and maintain a system of steady care. At the time when I was undergoing my redemption of bonding and connecting, I had no name for it and looked at the process as creating a “network of trust,” which I can rely on in times of need. I had no idea I was utilizing many of the principles involved with the wraparound model. I share my experience to demonstrate how beneficial forming a care circle can be.

The old African motto of “It Takes A Village,” is also true to maintain health care. The Wrap Around Care model has its roots within a movement to change the nonfunctional methods of caring for children who suffered from severe mental disorders. It created as a response to what was not working for the children and their families. Whereas before, care was based on what the professional determined to be what was best and not looked at from a holistic perspective regarding values, beliefs, interest, and community concerns.

Also, there was a lack of resources within the community for the family to draw from if necessary. A few decades ago, family services were very scarce in certain communities, and as a result, many children were sent away too far away from facilities where family and community were not present. In contrast, wraparound programs were established to keep the families together and out of expensive group homes while achieving optimal effects.

Wraparound is a value based collaborative partnership program with roots in local imitative such as Kaleidoscope in Chicago. It is a holistic care system designed to put the individual in need at the center of focus. It is a culturally competent, individualized approach that involves incorporating family, friends, associates as well as health care providers, and other individuals within the community to form a care team to assist with comprehensive care. Success increases when the action plan reflects the perspectives of the family members or those who care for the individual. In short, voice and choice drive the process of actionable care.

With the wraparound method, the family or individual who needs service takes the lead in deciding on what type of care system administered. Team members work in unison to organize a set of visions and goals. Team members work together to implement an individual creative plan of action, which they monitor for effectiveness and make changes if necessary.       

The basic ten principles (Burns and Goldman, 1999) of the wraparound model describe what elements must be available for a successful wraparound team.   

  1. Family voice and choice principle involve incorporating family perspectives, which are intentionally prioritized throughout all phases of the wraparound process. This principle ensures that the ones close to the individual have a “say-so” in the long-term care of an individual or family.
  2. A team-based model is a principle consists of family, friends, caregivers involved with the wellness of the individual who needs care. These individuals work through formal and informal service relationships as well as community support activities. A team-based system consists of individuals who have the best interest at heart for the individual seeking care.
  3. Natural support entails team members be extrapolated from the individual’s environment. The wraparound delivery method is a team-based effort. The action plan should reflect the natural sources involved in the care process. These sources can include family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, support members, and more.  Usually, these different relationships bring value by incorporating a diversity of skill sets and other perspectives on the care process.  
  4. Collaboration efforts involve each team member work toward the successful implementation of the effective work plan. Again, the plan should reflect a conglomerate of team member efforts, mandates as well as resources. Each team member shares the responsibility of developing, implementing and monitoring the wraparound plan and make the necessary changes if needed. The team must be committed to the overall goals
  5. Community based principle involves the family, and active community life is a key factor in the wellbeing of the individual receiving the intended care. Services and support strategies should be implemented within an accessible environment, and Inclusive environments help to promote integration into the home and community. Providing an accessible environment ensures that individuals receiving care should be able to access a full range of local services offered within the environment the individual lives. These activities should support positive development for the individual.
  6. Culturally competent, meaning that values, beliefs, and cultural awareness must be present in a functional wraparound model. Team members must be aligned with cultural values and respect them to have successful collaboration, ensuring that team goals and expectations are achieved.
  7. Individualize is based on each plan; strategies, support, and services are customized to ft the personal individual’s needs. Each plan is a series of tailored activities that reflects the family and care givers’ concepts of what care should methods need to be enacted, in addition to what are the most beneficial ending results for the individual. It entails heritage, traditions, and values as a source of strength to be built upon and added to the plan as an undergird structure for advancement.
  8. Strength based means that the wraparound plan should help to build strength and competence to the team and individual alike. The team commitment to achieving goals must persist even when adverse situations arise. In the planning process, viewing failures are as learning moments for the team and individual to build and grow is extremely empowering.  
  9. The unconditional principle means when faced with a compromising situation, the wraparound team still accepts the induvial regardless of any setbacks. The objective is to stay the course of the plan until the wraparound plan is not needed or must be modified to meet new demands. Revisions are performed regularly until positive desired effects are acquired.
  10.  Outcome-based involves benchmarks, or measurements must be in place to identify progress or set-backs.  Using metrics and tools to measure outcomes raises the rate of the successful care system to be in place. Setting goals is fine, but steps to acquire the goals must be acknowledged.

My personal opinion about the wraparound care system is one of admiration because the focus is on establishing functional relationships that help build key elements such as strength and independence. As a physically challenged individual who celebrates his independence, I think this system is a great tool to put in place so that I can maintain my current lifestyle. As I stated earlier, in can be put in place no matter what’s my location. Using a system like this takes care, planning, correctly assessing all available resources, as well as some legal restrictions. But most importantly is that its achievable when done correctly.

Remember, the key to developing a viable wraparound care system involves researched based drivers that focuses on providing optimal human care for the individual or family. If you or someone you know wish to get started using a wraparound care system, there are plenty of places to find help with outlining a care plan. The best place to start is with your professional care giver and the follow up with organizations like the National Wraparound Implementation Center (NWIC), which should be able to assist in locating other resources. Also, I provided a like below to a guide that you can share with your team and go over some of the basics. Remember, it takes a village mindset for this to be successful!

The National Wraparound Implementation Center

 The Wraparound Process Users Guide

The Negative Effects Stress Can Have on an Already Damaged Body

Suddenly experiencing physical trauma which results in a physical disability can be Stress and healing picextremely detrimental to anyone going through it at the time. The experience of suffering such a shocking life altering event of a physical impairment can have negative implementations that is distributed simultaneously across all planes of human existence.  The key areas affected by such a tragedy range from the emotional being, the mental state, and especially, within the physical facets. The entire experience can be exceedingly depressing to say the least, manifesting a state of chronic stress of existence. This nerve-wracking state of being can hinder the body’s ability to heal properly and compound an already physically damaged body, incurring even further injury from within via stress. Personally I have experienced the negative effects of stress and how it compounds an already abysmal situation.

Chronic-stress and the brain- Although researchers are just understanding how stress can trigger long lasting changes within the brain they are well aware of the after affects. For instance according to neuroscientist at University of California, Berkley which learned that chronic— brain structural changes as well as brain functionality are affected by chronic stress. As a result the body produces stress hormones such as cortisol whenever it finds itself in a taxing situations. Long term effects of being exposed to these stress hormones can lead to a gamut of mood maladies like; anxiety, learning disorders, and, PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder).

Long term exposure to the condition of chronic stress can have physiological brain structural changes too. The volume of grey matter versus white matter are altered as well as connectivity to the brain’s key emotional center the ‘amygdala.’  The effects of stress can yield an over manufacturing of myelin-production cells with fewer neuron connection than usual (Bergland, 2014).  Cortisol can have a domino effect upon stem cell development where it has the ability to “flip a switch in stem cells which inhibits connections to the prefrontal cortex,” which establishes the foundation for anxiety, depression, and PTSD. The stress hormone can also hard-wire pathways between the hippocampus (where short term and long term memories are consolidates) and amygdala (Bergland, 2014).

Physical changes caused by chronic stress– The body undergoes certain physiological changes as well from experiencing chronic stress factors such as triggering  the release of stress hormones like adrenalin and glucocorticoids which can have detrimental health related issues on the body. Issues ranging from; cardio vascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, digestive system disorders, just to name a few.  A continuous release of stress hormones can suppressed the immune system making the body more susceptible to infections diseases as well as causing disruption to the female menstrual cycle, and in men contributing to erectile dysfunctions. Within children high levels of stress hormone production can actually suppress growth hormones resulting in dwarfism. This syndrome in kids caused by high levels of stress is known as “stress dwarfism” (Schwartz, et al., 2007)

Regulating the effects of stress is critical in order to live a healthy life.   Especially for individuals as myself who have been inflicted with a life changing disability. Much of the effects of stress can be controlled just by a little planning ahead or scheduled maintenance/up keep on commonly performed activates. In order to get control of the negative effects experienced by chronic stress I was forced to change my life style and become more proactive toward mundane undertakings. Everything within my life post-disabling incident now moves on a clock for me, all the way down to bathroom times. Managing these events has greatly reduced stress and allowing me to function as a normal person again.

Other proactive measures of stress control I practice involves creating a “hit list”  at night of things which I need to take care within the immediate future and issues that will be coming up later, or in the further future which will demand my attention as well. The whole day I usually work through the list scratching off things completed. This process gives me a sense of accomplishment and within the long term scheme of things put me closer to obtaining life goals and objectives This takes a lot of stress off of me while allowing me to focus my energy forward.  The objective is to lessen stress in our everyday life because our lives are simply becoming more technical. Also practicing these techniques bring a cyclical awareness of common life issues leaving us better prepared to face life challenges.  I believe how we deal with stress now is going to determine the quality of our lives in the futures. And for those individuals such as myself who are suffer from a traumatic incident resulting in a disability need to become conscious of the effects of chronic stress.  As well as those suffering from chronic diseases such as lupus, cancer, or multiple sclerosis, truly need to  maintain low stress levels in order to allow the body to properly heal the best it can and not aggravate their condition further.

By; J. E. Corbin II



Bergland, C. (2014). Chronic Stress Can Damage Brain Structure and Connectivity: Chronic Stress and high  Levels of cortisol create long-lasting brain changes. Retrieved from:

Schwartz, M., Sapolsky R., (2007). Discusses physiological effects of stress: We’ve evolved to be smart  enough to make ourselves sick. Retrieved from:       


©2015 Face All Challeges. All Rights Reserved.


The Big Move- Managing Stressful Events

Moving is a very stressful act to perform, and planning a move to a different state and city can be somewhat arduous especially for a differently- abled person such as myself.  The task of moving could be extremely taxing and rewarding at the same time.   Relocating with a disability means uprooting and trying to reestablish a routine in order to function normally.   Routines such as; working out, diet, eating schedules, sleeping patterns and the most critical, bathroom schedules. Yes, my whole world is turned top-side over when it’s moving time. Just about everything in my somewhat normal life is interrupted and has to be refigured in its entirety. As you can see the event of moving can be extremely stressful in its totality. How I prepare for such a change is by becoming proactive toward the situation and be sure not to procrastinate. I also prepare myself mentally by meditating on steps that I need to execute in order to be effective. I began preparing by having necessary items set aside for the duration of the move. I do all this prepping in order to keep cortisol (stress hormone) levels low because once they are in high levels in the body, the mind becomes frustrated and functions poorly. The importance of controlling stress in our lives is critical and I felt that the issues of stress should be further elaborated on in order to get a more define understanding of the matter.  That’s why I plan on dedicating these next few post on the topic of stress regulating in our lives.                       .

What is stress? To put it simply stress is the body’s way of responding to strenuous mandates (Mills, et al., 2015). Stress is the primary factor for the six leading causes of death; heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide. Therefore I thought it would be a great time to address it and understand what stress is in order to lessen the effects it has upon the body. Believe it or not, all stress isn’t bad for you. In fact the good stress (Eustress) can help build a stronger body, mind and, spirit. Whereas bad stress (Distress) can have a negative effect on the body, mind, and spirit. But how do you know the difference between good stress and bad stress? A few excellent examples of good stress (Eustress) factors and bad (distress) stress factors consists of the following:

Good (Eustress stress);

  • Moving to a new location
  • Marriage
  • Buying a new home
  • Learning a new hobby
  • Furthering education
  • Taking a vacation
  • Starting a new job

Bad (Distress) stress;

  • Being evicted / forced to move
  • Death of a close relative or friend
  • Divorce / break-up
  • Bankruptcy / Money issues
  • Legal Problems
  • Injury / Illness
  • Unemployment                                                     Stress-Curve image

Common internally caused sources of distress include:

  • “Fears: (e.g., fears of flying, heights, public speaking, chatting with strangers at a party)
  • Repetitive Thought Patterns:

“Worrying about future events (e.g., waiting for medical test results or job      restructuring).   Unrealistic, perfectionist expectations (Mills et al., 2015).”

In short stress can either make us or break us. The difference is whether we have control over the stressing factor or does it commands us. Also it how it is perceived by the individual expecting the stressful event. Or how we allow it to be determined. The effects of good stress can help build excitement, focuses energy and improve performance. Whereas the long term effects of bad (distress) can have detrimental effects on the body and in extended instances may even cause death. By planning ahead I’ve learned how to manage stress. Only when I procrastinate is when stress seems to have a negative effect on my body. Personally I see this move as something exciting and new, almost as if I was on a voyage to discover a new world. Offering new opportunity to expand and create. In a sense I embrace the challenge of change and look forward to new experiences in a new location. In the end life is all about growth and managing stress is key to growing proficiently.

J. E. Corbin


Mills, H., Reiss, N., Donbeck, M., (2015) Types of Stressors (Eustress vs. Distress)                 Retrieved from;