Category Archives: Differently-Able

The Negative Effects Stress Can Have on an Already Damaged Body

Suddenly experiencing physical trauma which results in a physical disability can be Stress and healing picextremely detrimental to anyone going through it at the time. The experience of suffering such a shocking life altering event of a physical impairment can have negative implementations that is distributed simultaneously across all planes of human existence.  The key areas affected by such a tragedy range from the emotional being, the mental state, and especially, within the physical facets. The entire experience can be exceedingly depressing to say the least, manifesting a state of chronic stress of existence. This nerve-wracking state of being can hinder the body’s ability to heal properly and compound an already physically damaged body, incurring even further injury from within via stress. Personally I have experienced the negative effects of stress and how it compounds an already abysmal situation.

Chronic-stress and the brain- Although researchers are just understanding how stress can trigger long lasting changes within the brain they are well aware of the after affects. For instance according to neuroscientist at University of California, Berkley which learned that chronic— brain structural changes as well as brain functionality are affected by chronic stress. As a result the body produces stress hormones such as cortisol whenever it finds itself in a taxing situations. Long term effects of being exposed to these stress hormones can lead to a gamut of mood maladies like; anxiety, learning disorders, and, PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder).

Long term exposure to the condition of chronic stress can have physiological brain structural changes too. The volume of grey matter versus white matter are altered as well as connectivity to the brain’s key emotional center the ‘amygdala.’  The effects of stress can yield an over manufacturing of myelin-production cells with fewer neuron connection than usual (Bergland, 2014).  Cortisol can have a domino effect upon stem cell development where it has the ability to “flip a switch in stem cells which inhibits connections to the prefrontal cortex,” which establishes the foundation for anxiety, depression, and PTSD. The stress hormone can also hard-wire pathways between the hippocampus (where short term and long term memories are consolidates) and amygdala (Bergland, 2014).

Physical changes caused by chronic stress– The body undergoes certain physiological changes as well from experiencing chronic stress factors such as triggering  the release of stress hormones like adrenalin and glucocorticoids which can have detrimental health related issues on the body. Issues ranging from; cardio vascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, digestive system disorders, just to name a few.  A continuous release of stress hormones can suppressed the immune system making the body more susceptible to infections diseases as well as causing disruption to the female menstrual cycle, and in men contributing to erectile dysfunctions. Within children high levels of stress hormone production can actually suppress growth hormones resulting in dwarfism. This syndrome in kids caused by high levels of stress is known as “stress dwarfism” (Schwartz, et al., 2007)

Regulating the effects of stress is critical in order to live a healthy life.   Especially for individuals as myself who have been inflicted with a life changing disability. Much of the effects of stress can be controlled just by a little planning ahead or scheduled maintenance/up keep on commonly performed activates. In order to get control of the negative effects experienced by chronic stress I was forced to change my life style and become more proactive toward mundane undertakings. Everything within my life post-disabling incident now moves on a clock for me, all the way down to bathroom times. Managing these events has greatly reduced stress and allowing me to function as a normal person again.

Other proactive measures of stress control I practice involves creating a “hit list”  at night of things which I need to take care within the immediate future and issues that will be coming up later, or in the further future which will demand my attention as well. The whole day I usually work through the list scratching off things completed. This process gives me a sense of accomplishment and within the long term scheme of things put me closer to obtaining life goals and objectives This takes a lot of stress off of me while allowing me to focus my energy forward.  The objective is to lessen stress in our everyday life because our lives are simply becoming more technical. Also practicing these techniques bring a cyclical awareness of common life issues leaving us better prepared to face life challenges.  I believe how we deal with stress now is going to determine the quality of our lives in the futures. And for those individuals such as myself who are suffer from a traumatic incident resulting in a disability need to become conscious of the effects of chronic stress.  As well as those suffering from chronic diseases such as lupus, cancer, or multiple sclerosis, truly need to  maintain low stress levels in order to allow the body to properly heal the best it can and not aggravate their condition further.

By; J. E. Corbin II



Bergland, C. (2014). Chronic Stress Can Damage Brain Structure and Connectivity: Chronic Stress and high  Levels of cortisol create long-lasting brain changes. Retrieved from:

Schwartz, M., Sapolsky R., (2007). Discusses physiological effects of stress: We’ve evolved to be smart  enough to make ourselves sick. Retrieved from:       


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Alvin Laws Differently-Able

In early March, 2015 I had a chance to attend a National Speaker Association presentation in Dallas, TX with a unique human being, Mr. Alvin Laws. What makes him unique is how he does not allow his differently-able abilities to define him or limit his capacities and lifestyle. You see Alvin’s disability was a result of a drug called thalidomide and the children of the mothers who took this drug were born with all sort of defects. In Alvin’s case he was born without any arms and as a consequence he had to survive in a world which had deemed him a pariah with a hopeless future.

He tells a riveting story about the difficulties he faced in his life being born without any arms. The challenges he faced existing in a world were arms and hands were necessary to survive, but somehow he manage to train his brain to find an alternative way to complete everyday task. Being giving up for adoption at birth, Alvin’s foster-mom Hilda, realized at early infancy his ability to adapt when she looked in and witnessed Alvin holding his baby bottle using only his feet. In amazement she called to her husband to witness this extraordinary feat (pun attended lol). His mom never allowed him to feel sorry for himself and assigned him daily choirs ranging from vacuuming to washing the dishes—with his feet!I was proud to give him a true “sole-Brother” hand shake at the end of his presentation.

Today Alvin does everything for himself from dressing to driving an automobile he does not allow anything to hold him back.  Alvin takes doing things a step further by being able to play musical instruments such as the trombone, drums, and keyboard—-with his feet! He executes an impressive drum roll that any average drummer with two arms would find it very difficult to do. And his keyboarding skills are equivalent to a cool jazz player in a smoky jazz joint in Harlem, NY. His presence just goes to show us that the human mind combined with will and faith can reach many heights.

Although we are amazed when an individual such as Alvin comes along and astonishes us with what seems impossible, he only reminds us of qualities which formulate us as human beings like creativity and determination. [W]e are some of the frailest creatures on the planet physically, but our cunningness and resourcefulness sets us apart in the animal kingdom. People like Alvin Law reminds us that just about all obstacles we encounter can be altered or adapted in alternative ways. And that ingenuity with determination can make the impossible, very possible. Alvin Law truly embodies the concept of being differently-able.

Thanks Alvin for sharing your energy/spirit, from one Sole-Brother to another keep doing you’re your doing…….raising the consciousness!


J. E. Corbin