Those who fail to plan, plan to fail! Strategies vs Plans vs Tactics

By: James E Corbin II

Photo by Mesh on Unsplash

In the previous post we outlined S.M.A.R.T goals and objectives, therefore its only right that we overview the terminology used effective in planning. Like in a game of chess, strategy, planning and right tactics is what set a Master Chess player apart from a ordinary player. Besides, what good is it to have a great idea but not know how to execute it!?  A solid plan can easily put the odds in your favor.     

Thoughts and ideas pop into our heads all day and night. Experts estimate that the average human brain has at least 50,000 views a day, which breaks down to an average of 2,100 – 3,000 thoughts an hour, which is incredible to say the least. Also, if you THINK about this, how many of those ideas consisted of beneficial ideas that could help you or the community.

 Even the world, if only you knew how to execute it. Further researching the terminologies to help gain a better understanding of the differences in their meaning and how each is used in the practical planning stages. Understanding these terms will better help to implement an idea more accurately.   Exploring the three concepts; strategy vs. tactic vs. plan is beneficial for a better understanding so each can be correctly utilizing when manifesting.

Let’s begin with the term tactic, which is often used interchangeably with strategy, but they are not the same. Tactics consist of short-term methods used to gain a specific objective, whereas strategies consist of long-term goals to reach an overall plan. Also, known as Initiatives, tactics usually involve best practices to obtain an objective. A good tactic should enhance the overall strategy while having a clear purpose with measurable outcomes.

Tactics can be altered based on the success of your procedure. An excellent example of a tactic would consist of buttering up your boss with his / her favorite items a week or two before you approach him/her about how you’re under-utilized and underpaid. That tactic is called ‘sucking -up.” Humor!

A plan comprises a list of steps that must be taken to achieve a specific goal. It addresses the how, when, and where involved with the execution as well as approach. Plans are essential to achieving success because they demonstrate insightful thoughts toward a specific goal.  

A strategy is a long-term direction toward a particular vision leading to a specific goal.  It is more significant than a plan and can include more than one destination.  It encompasses many possible paths toward a likely outcome. It also incorporates influences and can surmise the end product. Effective strategic planning can be separated into three equal sections; strategic thinking, long range planning, and operational planning.

  • The Strategic section addresses -the overall vison (who, what, why, and how) or a broad perspective as well as reflection
  • The Long-range planning section- includes an in-depth understanding of issues, facts, and figures as well as SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis.
  • The operational planning section- involves creating a functional plan with SMART goals and objectives.

The 5 P’s of Strategy:

Strategy can be dissected further into five separate but equal components, according to Mintzberg (1987). He describes the 5 p’s of strategy, which are: Plan, Pattern, Position, Perspective, and Ploy.

Plan-Before implementing any effective action, a well throughout plan is encouraged to be developed.  This plan must include structured strategies and tactics that must be carried out under the program.

Pattern– involves previous strategies that may have been successful or needs more thought and consideration. The idea is to form a systematic pattern in the decision-making process.

Position– It’s imperative to consider how you desire to be observed following the implementation of a plan.

Perspective– The broader perspective must be taken into consideration. It is important to consider how others currently view you, as well as how this view may be shifted either in your favor or not.

Ploy– can be an excellent strategic option. By implementing an unforeseen plan, an individual can electrify their environment, creating the desired outcome to help reach a goal. Ploy should also be considered as a tactic when things are going in an undesired direction.

In closing, a strategy takes into consideration all possible influencing factors, both seen and hidden. It should encompass the entire gamut of possibilities and not just a one ended result. Just remember plans, focus on the how as well as outlining the necessary steps which must be taken to achieve the goal(s).  Tactics, are short term methods used to achieve an objective which in turns attains the set goal(s)

Now that we know the differences in the terms, lets us use them effectively in obtaining success.

Mulder, P. (2018). 5 P’s of Strategy by Henry Mintzberg. Retrieved [02/02/020] from toolshero:

Mintzberg, H. (1987). The strategy concept I: Five Ps for strategyCalifornia management review, 30(1), 11-24.

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