Hello world!

cooltext116107039293639 copyI started  this blog to help people understand some of the challenges that come with  having a disability. I feel that sharing these challenges may help someone with or without a disability  able to face or  understand obstacles within their own lives. We all possess shortcomings or some sort of disability, it’s just that some of our frailties are more or less visible than others. Mine you can see upon first impression, but I don’t allow it to define me nor hold me back when it comes to doing what’s necessary. I hope you find it helpful and please feel free to comment or ask any questions. I don’t shy from controversial issues. Also prior to my incident I come from a public school background where I had to developed a thick skin to counter ridicule and teasing((thank you bullies, lol). Plus I don’t take offense to curiosity, but welcome the inquisitive mind that seeks answers as myself.

-James C.

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